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正规博彩十大网站排名学院 is committed to supporting students with medical dietary disabilities and/or conditions with reasonable accommodations to provide equal access to the College’s meal plan and/or facility. The Dietary Accommodation Policy applies to all students and explains the specific steps necessary to request a dietary accommodation at 正规博彩十大网站排名学院.

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a person with a disability as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. The three factors influencing a determination of substantial limitation are 1) the nature and severity of the impairment, (二)减值的持续时间或者预计持续时间, 3)损害是永久性的还是长期性的.


The College believes that a major feature of attending a residential college is the opportunity for all students to live with one another. 因此,所有住在学院宿舍的学生都需要有一份膳食计划. 学院要求有医疗饮食障碍和/或条件的学生, 哪些人需要合理的饮食安排, 在规定的最后期限内肯定地要求提供这种便利.

The Office of 访问教育 (OAE) works closely with the College’s food service vendor to provide students with reasonable dietary accommodations. Most medical dietary disabilities and/or conditions can be met by developing a Food Management Plan which outlines reasonable alternative dietary options with the Office of 访问教育 and Dining Services staff. 目前可选择的合理膳食包括, 但不限于无麸质和无乳糖的食物选择, 医疗要求的膳食, 并可选择要求替代膳食. 如果目前可用的饮食选择不能充分和公平地满足学生的需求, the Office of 访问教育 will engage in an interactive process to help identify other accommodations or adjustments.


饮食安排必须提出要求并获得批准. 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 will accept and consider all reasonable and necessary dietary accommodation requests at any time, 然而, completed requests must be received by the Office of 访问教育 by the following dates in order to ensure that approved requests can be accommodated for the specified term and/or remainder of the 学术 year:

  • 11月1日:返校迎春
  • 3月1日:秋季返校学生
  • 7月1日:大一新生和秋季转学生

Should a need for reasonable dietary accommodation occur during a current term and/or after one of the aforementioned dates, 学生应尽快完成以下程序. While the College will make every reasonable effort to address all necessary and requested accommodations, the College cannot guarantee that it will be reasonable or feasible for the current and/or upcoming term to grant a meal plan accommodation request received after the stated deadlines. 也, it may not be reasonable or feasible to grant refunds for meal plan accommodation requests received/approved 10 business days after the first day of classes for each semester.

提交ting a request for a reasonable dietary accommodation does not guarantee a specific accommodation. Students must complete the dietary accommodation request process and receive approval before engaging in any behaviors related to the requested dietary accommodation.


When the disability and/or need for accommodation is not obvious students will need to have a treating healthcare provider submit documentation to the Office of 访问教育. 这些信息为OAE提供了学生残疾的可靠文件. 文档 must also show that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide them with equal access to the College’s meal plan and/or facility; in addition, 必须有一个可识别的关系, 或联系, 在要求的住宿和他们的残疾之间. The treating health care provider providing the documentation must specialize in a field consistent with the diagnosis, as well as be familiar with the student’s disability and the necessity for the requested accommodation. 以避免任何利益冲突, 文件必须由非家庭医疗保健提供者提供. 请参阅膳食安排表上列出的文件指南.


  1. 完成 新生申请. 即使申请多处住宿,也只需要一份申请. 学术 & 住房.
  2. 完成并上传文档和 膳食住宿表格 为目标. 学生也可以通过电子邮件将文件直接发送给OAE accessibility@roomarea1.net,亲自送到巴特里克G13或传真至404-471-6083.
  3. 一旦OAE收到膳食住宿要求, OAE工作人员将与学生联系, 以书面形式, to set up a meeting to discuss the requested dietary accommodation to ensure that the need and scope of the request is fully understood.
  4. The Office of 访问教育 will arrange a meeting with the Director of Dining Services to discuss the existing opportunities for 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 to meet your dietary needs within current dietary alternatives. The Director of Dining Services will complete a Food Management Plan during this meeting to identify dietary options available to students that can possibly meet your needs. 如果餐饮服务不能合理地容纳学生, OAE将探索额外或可选的修改/调整.


If the Meal Plan Accommodation Committee finds that a requested accommodation is not necessary and/or is unreasonable, the student may file a written appeal to Yves-Rose Porcena Vice President for Equity and Inclusion/Section 504 Coordinator within five (5) business days of the denial. 上诉将只在书面材料的基础上予以考虑, 仅提供信息和/或文件.


  • 在考虑有关要求时所犯的程序错误
  • 在提出请求时无法获得新的资料(1).e. 最新医疗信息)
  • 根据书面记录,这一决定显然是错误的

Upon receipt of the appeal staff will review all of the relevant information and provide a written response within fifteen (15) business days either granting the appeal and modifying the initial decision, 或者驳回上诉,维持原判. 这个决定是最终的.

Nothing in the policy shall prohibit a student who believes that they may have been subjected to disability discrimination to utilize the College’s Grievance Procedures and/or to pursue a complaint with the 民权办公室.
