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Campus Safety Protocols and Procedures

学院将继续遵循疾病预防控制中心关于佩戴口罩的指导方针, physical distancing and hand washing. Please note that these policies are subject to change. Updates will be provided as they become available. 


Campus buildings will be open to the public. 公众将被要求遵守所有校园安全协议.

Agnes Scott encourages the wearing of masks indoors. 教师 have the discretion to require masks in their classrooms. 我们将继续监测美国疾病控制与预防中心和公共卫生部门关于在大学环境中教学和学习的预防措施的指导.


关于这一要求的任何问题,学生应该联系健康中心. 教职员工应与人文办公室联系.

对于学生, 必须通过Medicat门户网站提交您的疫苗接种状态验证. 这一要求可以通过接种任何疫苗的完整疗程来满足, 包括助推器, approved by the United States or the World Health Organization.

教师 and staff will upload vaccine/booster records to Paycor.


  • 辉瑞/ BionTech
  • 阿斯利康
  • 现代化
  • 约翰逊 & 约翰逊
  • Covishield
  • 国药控股

已经接种了不在此名单上的COVID疫苗品牌的学生将需要在校外接种疫苗. 学生可以联系健康中心,如果他们需要帮助找到一个接种疫苗的地方或找到一个 疫苗接种地点

注意:双重接种或混合搭配加强剂量没有危害. 研究表明,在未经证实的疫苗之后,它可以提供强大的免疫力.


教职员工应与人文办公室联系. 请注意,获得豁免的学生可能不被批准参加一些课程和课外经历,如教师带领的旅行.

是的. Information will be provided by Residence Life.



我们提供面对面的本科,学士学位后和研究生学术课程. 我们一直有一些远程研究生课程,但大多数都是面对面的. For students who are immunocompromised; or with other medical conditions who are advised by their health care providers to avoid classroom settings in the current environment, 请通过拉沙德·摩根的电话联系无障碍教育办公室 or Jessamyn Doan Ewing at 拉沙德和Jessamyn将提供住宿过程的信息,以最好地支持你.

如果你因为COVID阳性病例或任何其他疾病需要缺课, 让你的老师立即知道,这样他们就可以给你安排作业,并获得课堂上使用的电影或其他材料, 如果可能的话.

强烈建议开学时在室内佩戴KN95或N95口罩. 教师 may require masks in their classes.

If you are fully vaccinated and boosted, you may remove your mask in your individual spaces, and wearing masks outdoors is optional. For those who are not vaccinated and meet the exemption rules, masks are required at all times, indoors and outdoors.

目前不需要对学生进行常规或监视测试, faculty or staff once arriving on campus. 如果你认为自己可能感染了COVID,学生应该联系健康中心 for testing immediately.

If you are a student exhibiting symptoms, you should immediately inform your roommate (if applicable), isolate yourself in your room and contact the Wellness Center at to report your symptoms.

避免与他人接触,并佩戴合适的口罩. 学生健康服务和我们的学生支持团队将与您联系,提供下一步的信息.

  • 所有学生都必须立即通过电子邮件covidsupport@agnesscott向健康中心报告任何阳性的COVID-19检测结果(从校外或校内检测).edu. 您也可以在开放时间拨打健康中心电话(404)471-7100.
    • 学生也应该提醒他们的教授,他们的测试呈阳性,以获得课堂上的帮助. 报告对校园的健康和安全很重要,在得到许可之前,你不应该参加课堂或聚会. 
    • 您将在报告后收到医疗护理和隔离信息.  
  • 在学校开车范围内的学生将回家隔离至少5天. 您将从健康中心获得有关测试和释放的指导. 您可能需要隔离六(6)到十(10)天,并将由健康中心指导. 不能回家的学生必须在除睡觉以外的任何时间都戴口罩,除非他们或他们的室友有医学记录,使他们有严重疾病的风险,否则他们将被隔离. Depending on the severity of the cases and extant risk factors, students may be isolated in on-campus buildings, or in some rare cases, in other accommodations. 
  • 所有被隔离的学生都将根据他们的个人情况指导如何使用课堂作业和餐饮服务.

If you are fully vaccinated and have a booster, there is no need to quarantine - unless you develop symptoms. 请在最后一次与COVID患者密切接触5天后接受检测或使用家庭抗原检测. 新的疾病预防控制中心指南要求接触者在接触后10天内与他人接触时戴上口罩. If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately and get tested. Stay isolated until you know your test results.

If you are not fully vaccinated or do not have a booster, 暴露后你需要隔离至少5天. 请在最后一次与COVID患者密切接触5天后接受检测或使用家庭抗原检测. If you test negative and do not develop symptoms, 你可以离开隔离,但在10天内戴上合适的口罩. If you develop symptoms, 在收到检测结果前,应立即接受检测,避免与其他人接触. If you test positive, please follow the isolation protocol above

是的. 除了那些获准豁免的社区成员外,所有社区成员都必须接种疫苗加强剂. For help locating a site to get a booster vaccine, please visit
是的,即使您以前患过COVID,仍然建议您接受加强注射. 数据显示,与先前感染的自然免疫相比,疫苗和增强剂的保护作用更持久、更强.


一般来说,没有. We want to do our best to be in person as much as possible. 然而, as determined by the Curriculum Committee, 你可以远程提供多达15%的课程(大约两周), but given that you may need to be remote if you contract COVID, please use this allowance sparingly. 如果学生因COVID阳性病例或任何其他疾病需要缺课, 遵循标准程序:让学生知道遗漏的工作或作业, 如果可能的话,提供影片或课堂上使用的其他材料, and allow some flexibility to your normal attendance policy. 

强烈建议充分接种疫苗和接种疫苗的人在室内佩戴KN95或N95口罩. 教师有权要求学生在课堂上戴口罩.

If fully vaccinated and boosted, you may remove your mask in your individual workspaces, and wearing masks outdoors is optional. For those who are not vaccinated and meet the exemption rules, masks are required at all times, indoors and outdoors. KN95口罩在霍普金斯大厅二楼的人文办公室供教职员工使用.

If you test positive for COVID-19:

  • Please notify your supervisor 不上班(请病假)或不在办公室(如果可以的话远程工作).
  • Please upload your positive COVID test results to Paycor.

不管你是否接种疫苗,也不管你是否有症状, 如果你的COVID-19检测呈阳性,你应该在家隔离至少5天. Please follow these CDC guidelines:

如果你没有任何症状或症状正在消退,并且在没有使用退烧药物的情况下已经24小时不发烧了, you are able to leave home after five days. 在家中和公共场所,您必须继续佩戴合适的口罩,再戴五天. 

如果你的症状在五天后没有消失,或者你继续发烧, you must continue to isolate for five additional days. 如果你发烧了, 继续呆在家里,直到你能够在不使用退烧药物的情况下保持24小时不发烧.

For more information about isolation protocols, please refer to the latest CDC guidelines: http://www.疾病预防控制中心.gov /coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html.

 *请注意: 您可能已收到来自cure的消息,通知您需要隔离或隔离14天. That is dated information and is not correct. Please follow the above guidance.



是的. The policy is the same for all residence life buildings.
  • 社区成员和所有与校园有关的客人必须充分接种疫苗,并及时接种COVID-19增强疫苗
  • 在室内或室外,接种疫苗和接种疫苗的游客可选择戴口罩.
  • Invited guests for meetings, 在遵守校园疫苗和口罩规定的情况下,允许在校园建筑内进行校园活动和参观.
  • 阿格尼斯·斯科特校际体育赛事的观众必须在进入室内赛事时出示疫苗接种证明和助推器.
  • Masks must be worn at indoor athletic events; and are optional for vaccinated spectators at outdoor events. 
  • Concessions have been suspended.There is no eating or drinking indoors.
  • 非艾格尼丝·斯科特赞助的活动或第三方租赁必须遵守校园疫苗接种和口罩政策,并由体育部批准其协议.
  • Entry is limited to persons receiving instruction (e.g., swim or tennis lessons). 除陪同未成年儿童的父母外,禁止旁听. 家长必须从三楼的走廊观看游泳课程,不允许进入泳池甲板. 
  • 所有观众及来宾必须在比赛/活动结束后15分钟内离开场地.
  • Off-campus guests must provide proof of vaccination upon arrival. 讲者或其他主要讲者可按约定提前提供疫苗接种和增强剂的证明.
  • Masks are mandatory indoors at all times. KN95 or N95 masks are strongly recommended.
  • 在学术课程和一般学生活动附近的时间和地点举行的活动(例如.g.,在平日举行的会议/工作坊,学生可能有较高的接触风险):
    • Off-campus guests must provide proof of vaccination upon arrival. 
    • Masks are mandatory indoors at all times. KN95 or N95 masks are strongly recommended.
  • 在没有学生活动或参与的时间和地点举行的活动(例如.g. wedding activities-low risk of exposure for students):
    • 强烈建议所有12岁及以上的客人接种疫苗, with a booster or show proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test, Rapid Test or home test within three days of the event.
    • 强烈建议在室内佩戴口罩,并尽可能保持社交距离. KN95 or N95 masks are strongly recommended.
    • Masks are optional outdoors if attendees are vaccinated, and required for individuals who are not vaccinated.
    • 客人不允许进入特定活动批准的建筑物以外的任何建筑物.
    • 活动结束后,主要客户联系人将负责为与会者清理所有个人物品. 对于不需要作为租金一部分的托管支持的小型会议/活动, 主要客户联系人将负责使用现场PPE对工作台进行消毒, chairs and equipment prior to departure.

研究生 and Extended Programs

是的. The same rules apply to all community members.
Face coverings will be required in all communal spaces, as will maintaining appropriate physical and social distancing. Vaccination is required prior to the start of fall semester.