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Bachelor of Science


“We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out—and we have only just begun.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson

物理 and 天文学 are disciplines that have given us the tools to stretch the human understanding of the universe, from the building blocks of matter to the structure and evolution of the most distant galaxies.

物理 and 天文学 courses at Agnes Scott cover subjects as common as gravity and electricity, and as unusual as quantum mechanics, 相对论, 还有暗物质. Astronomy courses emphasize both theory and observation, including the use of the Delafield Planetarium, individual telescopes, and other modern observing and image processing equipment in the Bradley Observatory. 除了, 学生 regularly make observations using national 天文学 facilities, like the Jansky Very Large Array, as well as northern and southern hemisphere 1-meter class telescopes through the college’s membership in the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA.)

Notebook of an astrophysics major student depicting notes, graphs, and equations.


Students acquire a general, flexible foundation for graduate study or for professional work in physics, 天文学, and other quantitative fields. 你将学习:

  • How to conduct laboratory experiments and astronomical observations using modern telescopes, 仪表, 电脑, 或模拟
  • The ability to write basic computer programs as well as employ astronomical software tools
  • How to present scientific results, including their historical contexts, in clear written and oral language


Internship and Research Opportunities

Intern and research at Arecibo Observatory, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 埃默里大学, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Alaska Center for Atmospheric Research, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Radio Astronomy Observatory and University of Central Florida Laser Center.

Exciting Activities and Outreach Opportunities

The departmental faculty, 学生, and Agnes Scott community members participate in a variety of activities during the year. Yearly events include a booth at the Atlanta Maker Faire, 鸡蛋掉落, presenting at the Atlanta Science Expo, and launching model rockets. The department has movie nights in the observatory and dinners at faculty members' houses. Student volunteers aid with outreach to local schools and monthly Open House events at Bradley Observatory.

Outstanding Facilities

110年,000-square-foot Mary Brown Bullock Science Center, 与65年,000 square feet of teaching and lab space, is home to the physics, 生物学, chemistry and psychology departments. The building features extensive, modern 仪表, faculty-student research laboratories, independent student-project laboratories and long-term observation areas. Full-time and part-time professors teach all physics and 天文学 labs, and all 学生 have the opportunity for hands-on research and experimentation. You’ll also have access to Agnes Scott’s uniquely-designed Bradley Observatory and its telescopes, as well as the Delafield Planetarium. Agnes Scott College is a member of the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy that operates 3 remote 1-meter telescopes in Arizona, Chile and the Canary Islands.


headshot of Hodari James

Hodari-Sadiki Hubbard-James

Assistant Professor of Astronomy

艾米J. 洛弗尔90


headshot of Alex Yep


访问ing Assistant Professor of 物理 and Astronomy | Director of the Bradley Observatory

Working in 天体物理学

The problem-solving, 计算, and critical thinking skills developed in physics and 天文学 courses are valuable in a wide range of fields.

在这个节目中, you’ll develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills in the classroom and laboratory. With a degree in astrophysics, you will be prepared for professional work or graduate study in physics, 天文学 or engineering. You will also gain practical skills operating remote telescopes.

  • Software Developer
  • 分析师
  • Research Assistant
  • 实验室技术员
  • 教育家
  • 工程师


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