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The CWS offers two types of online tutoring:

  • 同步辅导, where the tutee and tutor designate time to meet together virtually to discuss their paper.
  • 异步辅导, where the tutee submits an assignment and the tutor gives feedback on their own time.
Here is the process for synchronous tutoring, as well as tips for troubleshooting.


  1. 在cws预约.roomarea1.net. If you’ve never had an appointment with the CWS before, you will also need to make an account by clicking “register for an account” on the website’s landing page. Remember the schedule is always in Eastern Time, so you may need to account for the time change at your location. You can make an appointment for either 30 minutes or 1 hour. Consider carefully how much time you will need to work on your assignment. If it is longer than 4 pages double-spaced, please make an hour-long appointment. You can attach documents to the appointment directly or email them to your tutor.
  2. “到达”你的约会地点. 关于 5-10 minutes before your scheduled appointment, log into cws.roomarea1.net. Find your appointment on the schedule, which can be easily identified because it will in orange. When you click on your appointment, a new window will open. Click “start or join online appointment.” This will take you to the “location” of your virtual appointment. Your tutor will either already be on this page or will log in before the start time of your appointment. If they have an appointment immediately before yours, give them a few minutes to wrap up.
  3. 开始预约. When you and your tutor both log on, make sure the online software is working for both of you. The default option for tutoring is the WC Online software. If you’d like, you can use any other platform for communication as long as you both agree to it. If you are having problems using the software, look at the “Troubleshooting” area of this post. Have your email open if possible—this is the most effective way to communicate when something isn’t working over audio/visual chat.
  4. 得到辅导. Your tutor will give you guidance on how the session will go depending on your needs. You are always welcome to make specific requests as to how you’d like to spend the time.
  5. 总结. When the appointment is done, simply close the tutoring software. Consider leaving us a review so we know how we can help you better, 尤其是在网上.


My tutor can’t hear me, or I can’t hear my tutor at all.

  • Is anyone’s computer connected to a Bluetooth device or headphones that they wouldn’t hear?
  • 两个人的麦克风都开着吗?
  • Did you both give permission to the website to be able to use the mic?
  • 你的音量大了吗??
  • Try using headphones with a microphone on them. This helps with audio quality in general.
  • 试着挂断电话再打一次. If this doesn’t work, try calling again on a different platform.

My tutor can’t see me, or I can’t see my tutor at all.

  • Did you both give permission to the website to be able to use the camera?
  • 两个人的摄像头都开着吗?
  • Do one of you have something physically blocking the camera, like a sticker or slider?
  • 试着挂断电话再打一次. If this doesn’t work, try calling again on a different platform.

The connection is slow—the video and/or audio is breaking up, or the call keeps dropping.

  • Are you both connected to the right WiFi network? Can one of you move closer to the router?
  • Turning video off can often make audio clearer, since audio input is more important for a session.
  • 试着挂断电话再打一次. If this doesn’t work, try calling again on a different platform.
  • As a last resort, and only if you are willing, use data to communicate with your tutor if you have
    unlimited data on a phone or tablet.

I missed my session, or my tutor didn’t show up.

  • The first step to when a tutor and tutee miss each other is to email. 我们认真对待我们的工作
    保证准时. If we’ve realized we’ve missed a session, we will immediately reach out. We also understand how easy it is to miss an appointment, 尤其是在网上, and we welcome you to re-book with anyone in the CWS if you accidentally miss yours.
  • Are you in different time zones, and if so, could one of you have miscalculated the time change?
  • Could one or both of you have a malfunctioning internet connection, preventing you from
    communicating about the appointment?


  • 最大限度地减少干扰. We completely understand that you may be in a living situation with
    distractions outside of your control--many tutors working remotely are in the same shoes. However, when you book synchronously, please minimize those distractions that are in your control. 就像面对面的谈话一样, it would be rude if you were on your phone the whole time or worked on something else during the session. If you don’t want to actively interact with a tutor, you can make an asynchronous appointment.
  • 尝试不同的软件. The CWS website software is not your only option. As long as it works for your tutor, 请随意尝试其他选项, 像Skype, 变焦, 或者Google Hangouts. Many tutors have found Google Hangouts combined with Google Docs to work well, especially.