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I. 介绍

A. 警示标志: After observing first-h和 mountaintop removal in West Virginia, Robert 小肯尼迪,. 所述, “King Coal” is now accomplishing what the glaciers could not—obliterating the hemisphere’s oldest, 大多数生物密集和多样化的森林.”

B. 论文: Mountaintop removal (MTR) is one of the most devastating environmental issues facing the U.S.今天,有重大的健康和环境风险.

C. 动机: 虽然你可能会觉得有点远离地铁, its contribution to our energy supply is as close as the light switch on the wall.

D. 预览: I begin with a survey of MTR 和 its health 和 environmental risks, 然后, MTR持续存在的一些主要原因, 和, 最后, a policy proposal that will mitigate the tremendous damage resulting from MTR.


A. Mountaintop removal poses devastating health 和 environmental risks in Appalachia.
1. Mountaintop removal has destroyed vast amounts of the Appalachia. Over 470 mountains leveled since the 1980s (Boston Globe)
a) By 2012, over 820,000 acres will be destroyed by MTR (Washington Post)
2. 地铁破坏环境,威胁人类健康.
a) 地铁破坏了淡水溪流
(1) Over 1200 miles of streams already severely damaged (John McQuaid)
(2) Significant elevations of selenium downstream from valley fills (EPA environmental
b) 地铁破坏古森林
(1) The EPA estimates that by 2013 a forested area the size of the state of Delaware will
c) MTR threatens the health 和 lives of those living near coal production.                                           

(1) Residents near heavy coal production have higher risk for cardiopulmonary disease,
chronic lung disease, 和 kidney disease (American Journal of Public Health, 2008)
(2) Hospitalization for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 和 hypertension are
significantly higher for residents near heavy coal production (Journal of Toxicology 和
(3) In 1972, sludge impoundment failed in Logan County, West Virginia, which killed
125 people 和 destroyed thous和s of homes (Kari Lydersen, The Progressive)
(4) Approximately 450,000 West Virginians are without drinkable water (Julia Fox,
组织 & 环境)

B. 有几个因素使阿巴拉契亚地区的地铁瘟疫长期存在.
1. 港铁满足了美国对廉价能源的需求.
a) 在过去的20年里,美国的经济增长.S. 电力需求增加了70%(朱莉娅·福克斯)
b) Coal provides fuel for 52% of America’s electricity (Washington Post, 2006)
2. Environmental protections were weakened significantly 和 unenforced during the Bush
a) In 2007, the Interior Department, pending EPA approval, did away with regulations that ban
dumping mine waste within 100 feet of a steam (John McQuaid, The Smithsonian, 2009)
b) One EPA official working during the Bush 政府 told the NY Times that EPA workers “were told to take our clean water 和 clean air cases, 把它们放在盒子里, 然后把它锁上.(《推荐十大正规网赌平台》,查尔斯·杜希格,13岁. 9月. 2009)
c) State officials in West Virginia cited more than 4200 water pollution violations since 2000 (NY Times, Duhigg)
d) 2008年12月, 布什离任前的最后一个小时, the EPA passed a ruling that did away with a 25-year tradition to regulate the dumping of coal mining waste into waterways (Biggers,
沙龙,1月29日. 2009)

C. 国会应该加强《推荐十大正规网赌平台》                                                                         1. Streng然后ing the Clean Water Act for MTR requires three provisions
a) Create a 2000-foot buffer zone between freshwater streams 和 coal waste
b) 将所有山谷填充物的面积限制在35英亩以内
c) All permits for MTR shall be issued by the EPA under the Clean Water Act

D. The proposed legislation will reduce health risks 和 the environmental impact of MTR. 1. 2000英尺的缓冲区将降低健康风险.                                                                                     a) Currently, mine waste, including the toxic chemical selenium, finds its way into freshwater 流,因为缺乏合理的缓冲区.                                                                                        b) 将缓冲区扩大到2000英尺(约2000英尺). 4/10英里)减少有害的风险 化学物质进入淡水溪流.                                                                                     2. Limiting the size of valley fills to 35 acres will reduce environmental harm.                                        a) An EPA environmental impact study found that a 35-acre limit “would result in the fewest environmental impacts on streams, forested areas, 和 species” (Earthjustice)                          b) Limiting the size of valley fills will also reduce the size of MTR, which results in less 砍伐森林和减少洪水的可能性.                                                                                                                  3. Making the EPA the sole agency for issuing MTR permits will reduce health 和 environmental
a) Currently, permits for MTR may be issued by the Army Corps of Engineers, which has failed
b) The Corps itself 所述 that “it probably shouldn’t be overseeing such permits because the
dump contained polluting chemicals regulated by the EPA (John McQuaid, The Smithsonian, 2009)
c) In 2007, in a case pitting environmentalists against Massey Energy, a judge found that the
Corps “failed to take a hard look at the destruction of the headwater streams” in West Virginia
(McQuaid, 2009).
d) Making the EPA responsible for issuing MTR permits will end the “Nationwide 21” permit
过程. The “Nationwide 21” permit authorizes discharge of mountaintop mining debris into valleys
和 streams with virtually no environmental oversight if the Corps has determined that only minimal

3. 结论

A. 简介: MTR brings significant risks damage to public health 和 the environment. 建立一个2000英尺的缓冲区, 35-acre limit on valley fills 和 placing the permit 过程 solely in the h和s of the EPA will greatly minimize the risks associated with MTR.

B. 行动呼吁: I’ve drafted a letter advocating the three changes in the Clean Water Act outlined above. I would like you to take three copies of the letter 和 send them to your U.S. 众议员和两名州参议员. All you need to do is fill in their name 和 sign the letter.

C. 关闭: 罗伯特·F. 小肯尼迪,. 州, 现在是我们停止“抹杀这个半球最古老的”的时候了, 大多数生物密集和多样化的森林. 

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